VideoLAN, a project and a non-profit organization.
Large Orange VLC media player Traffic Cone Logo

VLC media player for openSUSE

VLC is a free and open source cross-platform multimedia player and framework that plays most multimedia files as well as DVDs, Audio CDs, VCDs, and various streaming protocols.

Install VLC using YaST

First, add a new repository (installation source) in YaST (YaST2 -> Software -> Installation Sources)

Then, add the following Repository:

Type: HTTP / Servername: /
Directory: /SuSE/<SUSE Version>

Replace <SUSE Version> in the Directory above with your installed SuSE Version. Supported at this time are :

Finally, confirm the addition.


The repository is signed with a GPG Key (gpg key C8DA93D2 fingerprint BC8D 780D E330 8581 B2E0 7085 33DE 8FB7 C8DA 93D2).
Accept this key in YaST and it will warn you in case there is something suspect with the repository.
Accept everything by clicking Finish.


Go to Software Management and enter VLC in the searchbox.
Select it and click Accept to install it with all its dependencies.
This might require the SUSE CD or DVD.
NB:If you want VLC's Mozilla Plugin, you have to select the npapi-vlc. It does not get installed by default.
You're done with the installation. Have a lot of Fun.

Install using command line

sudo zypper ar<SUSE version> VLC
sudo zypper mr -r VLC
sudo zypper in vlc

<SUSE version> can be Leap_15.1, Leap_15.2, Tumbleweed, SLE15SP2